In order to find the intimate restaurant Cjant dal Rusignul (Eng. Nightingale’s Song), you will have to consult the Google Maps. The restaurant represents a refuge dipped into a part of Friuli, which is dedicated to flavors of the territory, that are assembled with great creativity in a continuous redrawing of tradition.
The grand room, with an elegant fireplace, is ideal for celebrations, ceremonies and business meetings. In winter, fire from the fireplace adjoins a vein of romance on the gilded walls, which reflect the luminescence.
Next to it, there are two more intimate rooms, where every table has a different inlaid.
During warm seasons, the garden is perfect for appetizers, buffets, and sensational dinners out in the open. If you really want to have a privileged space, ask for a separate table in the back, the one under the greenery, between mulberries.
The kitchen is all women’s. Their hands hull the aromatic herbs and prepare the homemade pasta and tortelli while they talk about life.
The menu is filled with delicacies, which change with the season. Everything is taken care of – even the salad receives a special treatment, which makes her unique.
The restaurant “Al Cjant dal Rusignul” is framed by the Sgubin vineyards and it takes a walking distance to get to the hills of Mernico.